Birbal Prasad, a native of Raigad in Maharashtra, had yesterday filed a complaint with the police that four youths attacked him and Vandana Prasad (22) at a secluded spot near the railway tracks in Naranpura area on the night of January 14.
He had claimed that the attackers stabbed Vandana to death for resisting their rape attempt.
However, during investigations, police claimed to have found a suicide note written by Prasad which implicates him.
The note read that the duo were in a relationship and he wanted to take revenge on Vandana as her parents had insulted him in the past. He earlier told the police that their engagement had been called off some months ago.
"As per his planning, Birbal allegedly killed Vandana and then injured himself to end his life. But when he survived, he changed the story and claimed that four youths were involved in the attack," said Agrawal.