Markets regulator Sebi on Monday disposed of insider trading charges against two mutual fund houses - SBI Funds Management and Aditya Birla Sunlife AMC - in the matter of Manappuram Finance.
It was alleged that the two fund houses had sold shares of Manappuram Finance Ltd (MFL) while in possession of unpublished price sensitive information (UPSI) about the company and thereby violated insider trading norms.
Sebi, pursuant to investigation in the matter of selective disclosure of unpublished price sensitive information by MFL, observed that the two fund houses had sold its shares while allegedly in possession of UPSI during March 1-20, 2013 and allegedly violated PIT (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations.
Sebi noted that officials of MFL met Ambit Capital Pvt Ltd's research analysts on March 18, 2013 to seek market guidance about the quarterly results and future outlook.
Ambit published a research report based on the meeting which was distributed to its clients (broking as well as research) on March 19, 2013 before the market opening hours.
In the research report, Ambit had changed its rating of MFL's stock from "buy" to "under review."