"What we need in India is not just a ministry of skill development, we need a 'ministry for inventions'. We need to pay for people to do inventions," she said while addressing financial sector participants at the BSE here.
Citing the case of IIM-Ahmedabad professor Anil Gupta, who has 800 patents to his credit, Gandhi said a country like ours need solutions for addressing a diverse set of problems.
From being a "problem", the dung has now become an asset that is being monetised and is being used for the ecologically beneficial invention of 'cow-dung bricks' or as manure in farms and cremations in form of 'cow-dung logs', she said.
In the over 27-minute speech, the minister who has been closely associated with animal rights' causes, also informed the audience about progress done by Indian-origin scientists in creating alternatives for meat from cells created in labs and asked the financial world to back such ideas with resources.