Speaking after presentation, Singh said 2012-13 would be a significant year on the issue of development planning for the state owing to the fact that this would be the first year of the 12th five year plan.
He said the total receipt during 2012-13 is estimated at Rs. 8232.66 crore. The revenune receipt is estimated at Rs. 7746.43 crore and capital receive at Rs. 486.23 crore, he said.
He said state's own tax and non-tax receipts are estimated at Rs. 325.51 crore and Rs. 385.84 crore respectively, saying these estimates have been framed keeping in view the additional resource mobilisation measures being taken up by the government.
Singh said receipt from share in central taxes has been kept at Rs. 1364.35 crore as per the central budget 2012-13 and the non-plan revenue deficit grant under the 13th finance commission award is estimated at Rs. 1379 crore.
As regards the expenditure estimates for 2012-13, he said he proposed a total expenditure for 2012-13 at Rs. 8434.64 crore. Out of this, Rs.3500 crore is under plan, Rs. 4366.14 crore under non-plan and Rs. 568.50 crore under centrally sponsored schemes (CSS), central plan schemes (CPS), north eastern council (NEC) schemes.
The provision for CSS, CPS and NEC schemes are subjected to change according to releases during the year, he said.
Chief Minister said out of the toal expenditure estimates, an amount of Rs. 604.29 crore is charged expenditure while the remaining amount of Rs. 7830.35 crore is voted. Total revenue expenditure is estimated at Rs 6158.63 crore while capital expenditure is estimated at Rs. 2276.01 crore. MORE