"The seizure of illicit drugs worth about Rs 24-25 crores on Sunday last indicates that the illegal trade has been going on for a long time. We are considering to hand over this case to a central agency dealing with drug control to find out those involved in it so that the traffickers, big or small, can be punished," Manipur home minister Gaikhangam said here yesterday.
Defence PRO Colonel Ajay Choudhury and five others were arrested on Sunday for allegedly transporting illicit drugs estimated at over Rs 24 crore for smuggling to Myanmar, police said.
Gaikhangam said the state government has also asked the central industrial security force (CISF) personnel who are on duty at Imphal airport to be very vigilant since the seizure of illicit drugs worth about Rs 1.50 crores at the airport about two weeks back and a suspect who was standing near the packets was picked up for questioning.
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Meanwhile, cases of drug seizures have united political parties and various social organisations to put pressure on the state government to find out the kingpins of this illegal trade.
Secretary of the CPI Manipur unit and senior leader M Nara said the case has added fuel to the suspicion of the general public that there was the hands of higher officials in drug trafficking.
"There is a social crisis in the state of Manipur. It is time for a social democratic revolution in the state. Drug peddling is a factor which will crumble the society," he said.