Reingamphi's cousins Awungshi Chirmiyo and Thotreithem had filed a plea in the high court on August 8 demanding a CBI probe in the case. The next hearing is slated to be on October 10.
Speaking to reporters here, Binalaksmi Neparam, Founder of Manipur Women Gun Survivors Network, said the discrimination men and women from the north-east have to face is well-known, but in this case even the role of the police has been disappointing.
A.S Chirmiyo, the victim's brother, said that she wounds on the face, nose and legs which the police claimed to have been caused by rats.
"They also claimed that it is a case of suicide by some toxic or poisonous substance but the two postmortems (done under public pressure) and the viscera report issued by the Forensic Science Laboratory found no traces of poison or drugs in body," he said.
"Her landlord and his brother-in-law had antagonistic relationship with her and the latter had been stalking her but the investigators had been avoiding the issue," he alleged.
Shing Lai, President of Tangkhul Student Union, an organisation of North-East students of Delhi said, "We demand urgent attention and directions of the honourable High Court in the case.