At a cabinet meeting chaired by the Chief Minister Jitan Ram Manjhi, the state government reduced mandatory attendance for SC/ST students to 55 per cent and 60 per cent for general category students to make them eligible for benefits like uniform, bicycle, free text book, Principal Secretary (Cabinet Secretariat) B Pradhan told reporters.
The relaxation of attendance norms existing at 75 per cent had earlier met strong resistance from former finance minister Bijendra Prasad Yadav and other ministers to which Manjhi had publicly taken exception to on a number of occasions recently.
The relaxed rules benefiting the contractors of SC/ST category will be applicable to tender bids up to a value of Rs 1 crore, Pradhan said, adding, earlier such contracts were awarded by lottery in case of tie of tender bids in terms of value.
The Manjhi government also sought to woo upper castes by approving a proposal for setting up a three-member expert committee to look into viability of providing reservation in jobs to economically weaker people from the upper castes, Pradhan said, adding that the committee will be asked to submit its report within three months to enable the state government to take a decision on implementation of its report.