Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, one of the most vocal critics of the measure, decided to take the battle to poll-bound Uttar Pradesh beginning December 1 to expose the "Rs 8 lakh crore scam". He will address three rallies at Meerut, Lucknow and Varanasi, the parliamentary seat of Prime Minister Narendra Modi where he had defeated Kejriwal in the 2014 polls by a massive margin of 3.37 lakh votes.
In an uncharacteristically hard-hitting speech made in the Rajya Sabha in the presence of Modi, the economist- politician said the drive will result in a decline of 2 per cent in GDP and went ahead to warn that it cound be an "under estimatation".
"These measures convinced me that the way the scheme has been implemented, it's a monumental management failure. And, in fact, it is a case of organised loot and legalised plunder.
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Singh claimed agriculture, the unorganised sector and small industries have been hit hard by demonetisation and people were losing faith in the currency and banking system.
"My own feeling is that the national income, that is the GDP of the country, can decline by about 2 percentage points as a result of what has been done. This is an under estimate and not an over estimate.
Finance Minister Aruj Jaitley would, however, not buy the Congress veteran's argument and mounted a counteroffensive, saying it is no surprise that he is unhappy as "maximum blackmoney was generated" under his rule.
Rejecting Singh's contention that GDP growth will plunge by 2 per cent, he said demonetisation will have a positive impact on the economy over medium to long term as the money from shadow economy will find its way into the mainstream.
dispensation, Jaitley alleged, "The maximum black money was generated during 2004-14 which was engulfed in various scams like 2G and coal scam. We are not surprised that they did not like the anti-black money measures the government has taken".
Claiming that demonetisation of high-value Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency notes will have a "positive" impact on the economy, he said the measure will increase lending capacity of banks which could extend the money to farmers, social sector and also industry.
Seeking to bring out the contrast between the UPA and the current NDA dispensations, the Minister said the previous government was plagued by "policy paralysis" and could not take "tough decisions" like those being taken under Modi.
Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray said Singh's words have to be taken seriously as he was a "renowed economist".
"I will not hesitate in taking a critical stand on the way in which demonetisation was implemented," Thackeray told reporters in Mumbai.
"The way in which a referendum was sought in Britain before its withdrawal from the European Union, a survey is being done here. But seeing people's response, their (UK) Prime Minister chose to step down. Will something similar happen here?" he said, apparently referring to Modi seeking public feedback on the exercise on Narendra Modi App.
capital since yesterday, met President Pranab Mukherjee for a second time in nine days, to register protest over demonetisation.
"Today, I met the honourable President. Whe had met his earlier (too). We explained him about the critical issue in the country. We told him about the condition of labourers, who are not getting wages, traders who have no money.
"Last month, the salaried class got their salary but on the first of next month they will not get any money. We can't access the money in our own accounts. Old notes are being accepted at petrol pumps, for civil aviation, but states can't use old money because of which they will suffer losses," she said.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav, meanwhile, met Prime Minister Narendra Modi to press for releasing more funds to cooperative banks due to the cash-crunch they are facing due to demonetisation.
After meeting the Prime Minister at Parliament House, Yadav said he also highlighted the hardships of farmers in the state due to the cash-crunch triggered by the demonetisation decision.
Meanwhile, CPI has demanded that the Prime Minister take immediate steps to bring back black money stashed abroad, recover all NPAs and ensure arrest of liquor baron Vijay Mallya in the fight against illegal money.
CPI general secretary S Sudhakar Reddy also asked the government to allow people to deposit and withdraw "any amount of money" after taking a declaration from bank account holders that the money belongs to them. He also pitched for withdrawing Rs 2000 currency note from circulation.