SAD (Amritsar) President Simranjit Singh Mann also accused Punjab Chief Minister and his Deputy of running the Sikh Gurudwara Parbhandhak Committee (SGPC) with their alleged dictatorial attitude.
Holding Badals responsible for the formation of HSGPC, Mann while talking to party workers at Tanda and Mukerian towns near here said, "due to the alleged wrong policies of both
father and son HSGPC had been formed"
Criticising Manjit Singh GK, president of Delhi Sikh Gurudwara Management Committee (DSGMC) for "supporting" Badal and his associates, he said if he was in favour of Badals then he should amalgamate DSGMC in the Amritsar-based SGPC only then he (GK) should speak against the formation of separate SGPC in Haryana.
"Punjab police was only arresting addicts and not big wigs involved in the trade. It had not arrested the real drug smugglers responsible for the flourishing of drug trade in state," Mann, a former MP, said.