Teenage shooting sensation Manu Bhaker Friday reminded Haryana sports minister, Anil Vij, of a Rs 2 crore cash award promise, which he made after her Youth Olympic gold medal, but is yet to fulfil.
The 16-year-old Bhaker caught the attention with her stunning exploits in shooting ranges across the world, winning multiple gold in her maiden senior World Cup, Commonwealth Games, besides the top prize at the Youth Olympics last October.
The pistol shooter, hailing from Goria village in Jhajjar, posted screenshots of Vij's tweet in which he had promised her cash award to the tune of Rs 2 crore on behalf of the state government.
"Sir Please confirm if it is correct... Or just Jumla (sic)," Bhaker wrote on Twitter.
After Bhaker had become the first Indian shooter to win gold at Youth Olympics, Vij had tweeted, "Congratulations to Manu Bhaker for winning shooting gold in Youth Olympics.
"Haryana government will give a cash prize of Rs 2 crore to Manu Bhaker for winning this gold. Previous governments used to pay Rs 10 lakh only."