Jehanabad Superintendent of Police (SP) Aditya Kumar said the operative was arrested from Pariyawan village under Ghoshi police station limits during the early hours. His accomplice has been identified as Surendra Manjhi.
No firearms were recovered from them, though some Maoist literature has been seized.
Rajak, was the CPI(Maoist) in-charge of Magadh zone. It includes Naxal-infested districts of Bihar like Gaya, Aurangabad, Jehanabad, Arwal, Nalanda, parts of Patna and Nawada. Some parts of Jharkhand also come under the zone.
The SSP added Rajak, a native of Patharia village under Rafiganj police station in Aurangabad district, was wanted in several cases of violence and extortion in Bihar and Jharkhand.
Both the arrested persons were being interrogated by the police regarding their plans and links.