The benchmark S&P BSE Sensex vaulted by over 663 points to end at 1-1/2-month high of 28,121.89. Similarly, the wide-based CNX Nifty of the NSE crossed 8,500-mark for the first time after a month and ended at 8,513.80, a gain of 229.30 points, or 2.77 per cent, over the last weekend close.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Thursday morning lowered the benchmark repurchase rate (repo) under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) by 25 bps to 7.75 per cent, the first reduction since May 2013, on easing inflation.
Fall in the repo rate may provide leeway to banks to cut their lending rates to improve liquidity in housing and auto sectors, leading to more off-take of money by public and corporate sectors.
Soon after the RBI move, a clutch of banks lowered their base rate (minimum lending rate), while some others, including the biggie SBI, indicated they will follow suit.
Investor wealth reclaimed the Rs 100-lakh crore mark for the second time. However, it was for the first time it remained above that level at close of trading. During the week, investors got rich by Rs 3,11,737 crore.