The country's largest carmaker Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) on Wednesday said it has re-opened 600 dealerships which were closed due to coronavirus-led lockdown, and has even started deliveries of the vehicles.
The auto major said it has put in place a comprehensive standard operating procedure (SoP) across its sales outlets and reinforced digital infrastructure for vehicle purchase amid COVID-19 pandemic.
"Over the last few days we have been able to make 600-odd dealerships operational across the country," MSI Executive Director, Marketing and Sales Shashank Srivastava told PTI.
He said that dealers have applied for permissions to open up in states where such clearances are mandatory.
The company, which has around 3,080 dealerships across 1,960 cities and towns in the country, has managed to open 474 Arena outlets, 80 Nexa dealerships and 45 commercial vehicle sales outlets.
The company has also started deliveries of cars with 55 units having already been dispatched over the last few days, Srivastava said.
When asked about the timeframe of commencing operations across the company's entire sales network, he said, "It will depend on how soon we get approvals from respective state governments."