The new series titled, "Spidey", is set in present, keeping in mind the new movie version to focus on that era, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
To be written by "Supernatural" writer Robbie Thompson, with art by "Wolverine" and the "X-Men" artist Nick Bradshaw, the series will take place at the very start of Parker's crime-fighting career.
"I think the book is actually best summed up in the tagline Marvel created for it: before he was Amazing... He was Spidey.
"For me, that's been a huge appeal of working on the book - getting to go back to the high school years and shine a light on the early days of Peter Parker's journey to becoming Spider-Man and doing it in an old school fashion - single issues, each one telling their own story," Thompson said.
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"This is a chance to go back to that vibe and energy and see Peter struggle to fit in at school, while trying to make a name for himself as a hero," he said.
"There are complex and personal stories still left to be found in those years, and I'm thrilled to be a part of the team bringing them to the page," he added.
"Spidey" will be launched this year around September. As part of Marvel's all-new, all-different Marvel publishing initiative.