The stock listed at Rs 660, up 43.79 per cent from the issue price on BSE. Intra-day, it zoomed 48.35 per cent to Rs 680.95. The scrip finally ended at Rs 654.75, up 42.64 per cent.
On NSE, it jumped 42.57 per cent to close at Rs 654.40.
In terms of equity volume, 28.52 lakh shares of the company were traded on BSE and over one crore shares changed hands on NSE during the day.
The company's market valuation stood at Rs 3,579 crore.
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The company had fixed the price band at Rs 456-459 per share for the IPO.
MAS Financial is a Gujarat-headquartered Non-Banking Finance Company with more than two decades of business operations.
Net proceeds from the fresh issue will be utilised towards augmenting its capital base to meet future requirements.
Motilal Oswal Investment Advisors managed the company's IPO.