Inspired by her quirky yet chic pop prints, the small car designed by Gupta is a part of the new ad campaign that celebrates the spirit of young achievers.
"My new design is basically to celebrate the awesomeness in youth and the initiative was basically to do a fun car which would be a limited edition and auction it for charity," Masaba told PTI.
This limited edition car has got neon pink polka dots on the body and ikat interior with black and white stripes.
"I was a part of TV commercial that came out couple of months ago and it was about young achievers from various fields. It was a great fun to design the car because I have to come out of my comfort zone for it," she said.
Masaba, who is the daughter of actress Neena Gupta and cricketer Vivian Richards, will also open the 22nd fashion week with her young collection for teenagers.