Singing a Taiwanese take on the revolutionary song "Do you hear the people sing?" from the hit musical "Les Miserables," protesters rallied at a square near the presidential office in Taipei, mostly dressed in white a colour symbolising truth in local culture.
This was the second mass protest since corporal Hung Chung-chiu died of heatstroke on July 4 apparently after being forced to exercise excessively as punishment for taking a smartphone onto his base just three days before the end of his compulsory year long military service.
"We estimate a bigger turnout today on the eve of Hung's funeral than the previous protest. We hope the government will hear the people's anger at its handling of the case," Liu Lin-wei, a spokesman for the group, told AFP.
Police estimates of the crowd size were not immediately available.
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"I am mourning for Hung Chung-chiu and I want the truth. I hope there won't be any more abuse and death like this in the military," said protester Jenny Tan.
Amid mounting public anger, defence minister Kao Hua-chu stepped down earlier this week while 18 military officials have been charged over Hung's death, including the former commander of his brigade.
They were indicted on charges ranging from abuse leading to death and involuntary manslaughter to imposing illegal punishment on a subordinate and offences against personal liberty, according to military prosecutors.
The 24-year-old had been subjected to exercises that were "unbearable, cruel and abusive", resulting in his death from multiple organ failure triggered by heatstroke, prosecutors said.
Hung's family said he was repeatedly refused water during the punishment despite being close to collapse and that he had previously filed complaints about other abuse meted out by his superiors.