The result booklets would be sold at 33 centres across the state, including four at Cuttack and two in Bhubaneswar. Like the previous year, the result booklets would not be sold at the BSE office here, informed BSE sources today.
The results could be also accessed after 11 AM on websites like www.Bseodisha.Nic.In, www.Examresults.Com, www.Manabadi.Com, www.Schools9.Com, www.Indiaresults.Com, www.Vidyavision.Com, www.Exametc.Com, www.Bharatstudent.Com.
Sources also said the results could also be accessed on mobile phones by sending an SMS. Students need to type ORI10 (space) roll number and send it to 52070 or 58888. The students could also type OR10 (space) roll number and send it to 5676850 and type OBSE (space) roll number and send it to 54242.