The show stars Matt Dillon, Melissa Leo, Toby Jones, Carla Gugino, Terrence Howard and Juliette Lewis, and is directed by "Signs" and "The Sixth Sense" filmmaker M Night Shyamalan, reported Digital Spy.
Dillon's character is instructed to kill the man sitting opposite him in the new clip.
"Wayward Pines" will premiere in more than 125 countries on Thursday, May 14, and will be the world's largest day-and-date release ever for a scripted series.
The 10-episode thriller is based on the best-selling novel by Blake Crouch.
The story follows secret service agent Ethan Burke (Dillon), who arrives in Wayward Pines looking for two missing federal agents.
"Wayward Pines" is the director's first television work.