"While the Chief Minister has said in the Assembly that the names and other details in phone-tapping case cannot be divulged or disclosed, some Congress leaders were dragging the names of BJP leaders in the controversy," the former Himachal Pradesh chief minister said.
We accepted the ruling of Speaker that the information pertaining to phone-tapping could not be revealed, either in the House or through RTI, and a debate cannot be taken up in the House but some leaders have been speaking to media and indicating names, said Dhumal, who is also Leader of the Opposition in Assembly.
Denying that the BJP government had changed the name of any scheme started by earlier government, Dhumal said the matter regarding changing the names of schemes named after former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee should have been discussed but the adamant attitude of the government stalled the discussion.
"As Vajpayee had been a popular prime minister and had special love for Himachal, public sentiments are associated with the scheme named after him," the BJP leader said.