During heated exchanges over the issue in the Rajya Sabha, Mayawati wondered why Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi could not give a reply on behalf of the government on whether they will include a Dalit in the judicial committee probing the suicide by the Dalit student of Hyderabad University.
Yechury then stood up to say that the treasury bench cannot say anything without a signal from the Prime Minister.
Not to be left behind, Yechury again took a pot-shot at the government saying "one should also remember there are lots of call drops."
Another incident which left the House in splits was when Mayawati literally snubbed JD-U leader K C Tyagi when he was making an intervention. Tyagi's remarks were expunged.
Mayawati accused him of playing into the hands of the BJP to take the focus away from a serious issue. This led to a few minutes of sloganeering by the treasury bench.