Mayors of several cities from the Asia-Pacific region today resolved to strive for a complete ban on illegal disposal of plastic waste in eco-sensitive areas.
The Mayors of 37 cities who took part in the meet here also resolved to achieve "effective implementation of 3 R (reduce, reuse and recycle) policies".
The meet was part of the Eighth Regional 3R Forum in Asia and Pacific, organised by the Union Ministry of Housing and Affairs, Japan's Environment Ministry and the United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD).
The mayors discussed ways to achieve the goal of "clean land, clean water and clean air", and came out with 11 resolutions for better future with sustainable development, said a press release here.
This set of resolutions is titled "Indore 3 R Declaration of Asian Mayors on Achieving Clean Land, Clean Water and Clean Air'.
One of the resolutions said the mayors would strive to ban illegal disposal of plastic in eco-sensitive or eco-fragile areas, including tourist areas close to water bodies and mountains, to preserve coastal, marine and mountain eco-systems and resources.
Another important resolution was to work towards "sound and sustainable wastewater management and treatment and reuse" with an objective to achieve "water security and water quality".