Chairman of standing committee of North Delhi Municipal Corporation Mohan Prasad Bhardwaj, welcoming the decision today, however, said, "the audit should also include non release of Rs 700 crore funds for municipal corporations as recommended by the Delhi Fourth Finance Commission and the specified funds for anti-Malaria operations during the current year by the Delhi government."
All three corporations have been alleging that Delhi government has not released enough funds to the civic bodies, while AAP dispensation have blamed the MCD for the dengue crisis the city is currently battling.
"The claim of the state government that it has released 75 percent funds earmarked to the MCD for fighting mosquito menace is nothing but a political jugglery to keep its failures under wrap," he alleged.
South Delhi Municipal Corporation received Rs 14 crore out of a total budget of Rs 28.40 crore to fight the mosquito menace as late as September 25, while Delhi government has claimed in the court that it has released 75 per cent of the earmarked funds, said Radhe Shyam Sharma, chairman of Standing committee of SDMC.
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"We had demanded Rs 20 crore from the Delhi government as early as July to fight the mosquito menace but our demand was turned down. Now we have just received a slip of Rs 7.95 crore which is yet to be credited to our account," East Delhi Municipal Corporation chairman Lata Gupta claimed.
The CAG audit will scrutinise the preventive steps which had been taken by the Delhi government and civic authorities -- the New Delhi Municipal Council and the three municipal corporations -- to deal with mosquito-borne diseases, sources said.