In a WhatsApp message to media, Bedi said that the MCI has clearly stated in its letter that the Puducherry government had only one option: "to follow the MCI schedule".
She said that instead of writing letters (to MCI), "we need to do our work and save the future of our students.
The former IPS officer also said that had the Puducherry government used the last Assembly session constructively, "we would have got much more for our deserving students".
The CENTAC, authorised panel to conduct counselling, had completed counselling for admission of students to first MBBS course under government quota on July 22 and 23. The counselling for admission under management quota was slated for July 24.
The body had on July 23 announced postponement of counselling, which was slated for the next day, for admission under management quota in the three colleges.
The chief minister had written a letter to the Union Health Minister on July 23 and the Medical Council of India for the latter's nod for postponing the counselling for admission under management quota beyond July 24. He had cited in his letter that he had representations for postponement from parents' associations.