Justice Reveti Mohite-Dhere, while granting bail to Sadik alias Banta alias Salman Bangali on a bond of Rs one lakh recently, observed that the other accused in this case have been enlarged. Hence, the accused was being given liberty on the ground of parity.
The Judge also observed that the accused had already undergone more than half of the minimum sentence prescribed for the offence with which he is charged. Hence, he deserves to be enlarged on bail.
According to police, the accused along with co-accused Ravindra alias Ramu Bhausaheb Ghare had fired two rounds at the complainant in his office to demand extortion money in the name of Ravi Pujari, while the co-accused were standing outside.
The Judge observed that in the present case, all the co-accused, except Ravindra alias Ramu Bhausaheb Ghare, have been enlarged on bail.
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"Moreover, the applicant has neither been identified or named by any witnesses. Also, there is no recovery at his instance. The material against him is identical to that of co-accused who have been enlarged on bail i.E. Confessional statement of the co-accused and CDR records," the Judge said.
Defence lawyer S R Chitnis argued that the applicant has not been identified by any witnesses. Also identification parade was not held, nor is there any recovery at his instance of any weapon allegedly used in the commission of the offence.