Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan today said her Secretariat has started taking action on some of the issues.
Holding that security of any institution is a continuous process and there is a need to review and upgrade it from time to time to counter emerging challenges to security and technology, she said she had constituted the Expert Committee on Security Arrangements in Parliament complex for the first time after assuming office of Speaker.
This committee held detailed discussions with various agencies and experts in security and submitted its interim report in October, 2014 and its final report this March.
"The present Lok Sabha has some members who are expert in security issues and this Expert Committee was set up to utilise their profound knowledge and vast experience and also with a purpose to improve, streamline and strengthen the security set-up of the Parliament.
The Ministry of Home Affairs is the nodal agency and holds the responsibility of security of Parliament. Therefore, this report has been shared with them for better coordination and proper action.