"After joining AAP, Medha fought Lok Sabha polls from Mumbai north-east seat. But, after that she became active in National Alliance of People's Movements. She was not active either in Madhya Pradesh and or at any other places in party's affairs. Therefore, her decision to quit won't impact AAP politically," Agrawal told PTI here.
Patkar resigned from AAP on Saturday after senior leaders Yogendra Yadav and Prashant Bhushan were expelled from the party's National Executive for anti-party activities.
Agrawal denied that AAP has been bifurcated in two groups - Kejriwal and anti-Kejriwal after ouster of Yadav and Bhushan from the National Executive and amid the ongoing turbulence within the party.
He said the party was progressing under Kejriwal and the National Executive and they have been pressing for issues of public concern in Madhya Pradesh as well.
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The leader said that AAP will stage a protest against the proposed hike in the power tariff on April 12 in Bhopal, adding that they will hand over an memorandum to Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan against the impending hike.
Agrawal said it would become extremely uphill for farmers to bear the hike in power tariff as they have suffered heavy crop loss due to the recent untimely rains and hailstorm in the state.