The police said Tarunibala Devi, professor at the prestigious Regional Institute of Medical Science and Hospital (RIMSH) was working at her private clinic when the gunmen who probably used sniper rifle opened fire from some distance at her at around 9 pm last night.
The professor was immediately taken to nearby hospital, police said adding that she regained consciousness but was kept under critical observation.
The motive behind the attack was not yet known and no individual or group has so far claimed responsibility for the crime, they said.
In another incident, a car driver identified as Monas Ali (22) who hailed from Sukhanjan (Assam) but was staying at Uripok area in Imphal was shot dead by some militants at Kangpokpi area in Manipur's Senapati district yesterday, police said.
Ali was kidnapped by the militants on February 22 from Awang Boc area near here while trying to go to Dimapur by his passenger vehicle, sources said.
They said the militants had earlier reportedly demanded Rs 15 lakh from the owner of the vehicle who is staying at Khatkhati area in Assam.