In his letter to Sukesh Kumar Jain, Secretary and Director, Vigilance Department, Meena said "I have already taken the charge of Joint Commissioner of Police/Anti Corruption Branch, GNCT, Delhi on June 8 in pursuance to the order's of the LG and I am presently heading this unit."
Earlier in the day, Jain had issued an order refusing to accept Meena as head of ACB, saying that he cannot hold non-existent post (Joint Commissioner) in the anti-corruption unit.
"ACB is a notified police station. Such references undermine the authority of ACB. Hence, it is a kind of interference in the working of a notified police station. I am again informing you that I am continuing as head of Anti- Corruption Branch and any such reference regarding charge is to be addressed by the LG, Delhi.
"Thereafore, such reference should not be directly addressed to me as the LG is the competent authority in such matters and you are requested that in future, you may not interfere in the working of ACB otherwise I will be constrained to initiate action against you as per law," Meena said in his letter.
The Joint Commissioner also reviewed with officials of ACB today and discussed several issues pertaining to the unit.