The meeting, to be addressed by Civil Aviation Minister Ajit Singh and Minister of State K C Venugopal, would also discuss issues relating to regional connectivity, development of new airports in different states, apart from VIP plane and helicopter operations and related facilities.
However, a major issue would be that of aviation turbine fuel (ATF) prices, which constitute around half of an airline's total operational costs.
"These prices do not in any manner reflect the actual cost of production of ATF in India and several add-ons are included to arrive at the local delivery price," a source said.
The add-ons included freight charges from Gulf to India, domestic transportation charges, oil company's markup, excise duty at 8.24 per cent, into-plane and airport throughput charges and sales tax -- ranging between 16-30 per cent along with surcharge, the sources said, adding the sales tax averaged 22 per cent across the country.