The police filed a fresh plea before Additional Sessions Judge Vimal Kumar Yadav claiming it has come to their knowledge that before this hit-and-run case, the boy was also challaned for over-speeding in which he had shown a "false and forged driving licence" to traffic police.
The accused had turned major four days after the April 4 incident.
"Police needs to further investigate the matter as some new facts have emerged. Before this incident, the juvenile was challaned for over-speeding vehicles. He was driving this Mercedes car at the speed of 89km/hour.
The plea, however, was opposed by senior advocate Ramesh Gupta and advocate Rajiv Mohan, who appeared for the accused.
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The court fixed the matter for September 5 and asked the defence counsel to respond how they have a right to oppose the police's plea for further investigation.
Gupta argued that it was a case of contributory negligence of the victim as he suddenly came in front of the vehicle and was crossing the road.
He said that the victim should have crossed the road at the Zebra crossing which is demarcated for the pedestrians to cross the road.
The prosecutor had earlier argued that as per the amended provisions of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, the sessions court cannot send back the case to the board and if it thinks that the boy should not be tried as an adult, it has to try the case itself by acting as the board's presiding officer.
It has said the boy's previous offences are of traffic violation and not related to accidents. So it's not a ground to convert section 304A of IPC into section 304 of IPC.
The JJB had on June 4 ordered that the boy would face trial as an adult while observing that the offence allegedly committed by him was "heinous".
The police had on May 26 chargesheeted the boy in JJB for culpable homicide not amounting to murder which entails a maximum of 10 years jail.
Initially, a case under section 304 A of IPC was lodged but later he was booked for the alleged offence of culpable homicide not amounting to murder and sent to reform home.
The charge sheet was filed for alleged offences under IPC sections 304 (culpable homicide not amounting to murder), 279 (driving on a public way so rashly or negligently as to endanger human life) and 337 (causing hurt by an act which endangers human life) against him.