MG Motor India on Thursday said it is planning to come up with a 100-room hostel facility for female workers near its manufacturing facility in Halol (Gujarat).
To come up around the carmaker's manufacturing unit, the hostel will provide accommodation to associate-level female employees along with housekeeping, food, and transportation facilities and will be operational soon.
"With the world facing an unprecedented crisis, it becomes imperative for employers to ensure that their employees are healthy, safe, and secure. Our new 100-member hostel will provide safe, sanitised, and comfortable living spaces to our female associates," MG Motor India President and Managing Director Rajeev Chaba said in a statement.
The aim is to ensure that the company's female associates have complete peace of mind as far as their physical wellbeing is concerned, he added.
"It will also bolster our diversity ratio and further strengthen our ecosystem for female employees," Chaba said.
Currently, female associates account for more than 31 per cent of company's workforce.