Amid the fresh round of confrontation with the AAP government, the Centre today termed its decision to suspend two DANICS-cadre officers as 'non est' (does not exist) and said the two officers should be considered deemed to be on duty.
The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) is issuing a formal order terming the suspension order of the two DANICS cadre officers by the Arvind Kejriwal government as null and void.
"The Home Ministry has received a reference from the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi on the suspension of two DANICS officers. It declares the suspension order is 'non est' (mistake or does not exist) and the two officers should be considered deemed to be on duty," a Home Ministry spokesperson said.
The two officers - Subhash Chandra and Yashpal Garg - belonging to Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Civil Services were suspended after they allegedly refused to sign Delhi government cabinet notes pertaining to a salary hike for public prosecutors and prison staff.
After their suspension, the DANICS officers have decided to go on mass leave today protesting the "illegal" suspension of their two colleagues by the AAP government.
The DANICS officers have maintained that the appointing and disciplinary authority of DANICS officers is the President of India, who acts through the aid and advice of the Union Home Ministry.
They said the Home Minister of the Delhi government has no authority to take any disciplinary action against DANICS officers as specified under the existing rules.
The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) is issuing a formal order terming the suspension order of the two DANICS cadre officers by the Arvind Kejriwal government as null and void.
"The Home Ministry has received a reference from the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi on the suspension of two DANICS officers. It declares the suspension order is 'non est' (mistake or does not exist) and the two officers should be considered deemed to be on duty," a Home Ministry spokesperson said.
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After their suspension, the DANICS officers have decided to go on mass leave today protesting the "illegal" suspension of their two colleagues by the AAP government.
The DANICS officers have maintained that the appointing and disciplinary authority of DANICS officers is the President of India, who acts through the aid and advice of the Union Home Ministry.
They said the Home Minister of the Delhi government has no authority to take any disciplinary action against DANICS officers as specified under the existing rules.