In an order, the regulator said that its probe into July 26, 2012 mid-cap crash, "could not establish anything adverse" against -- Ajit Kumar Jain, Cheminare Trade Comm, Umang Nemani, Gajria Jayna Precision Industries, Kuvam Plast, Passion System Solution, Ramkripa Securities and Manish Agarwal.
Giving the entities the "benefit of the doubt", the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said that "no further action is called for against these persons/ entities and the direction issued against these vide the interim order needs to be revoked".
Sebi said a sharp downward movement was noticed in the stocks of these companies between 0915 and 0949 hours on that day, although no major corporate announcements or price sensitive information was disclosed to the exchanges by these companies during previous 15 days.
On the basis of an analysis of the trading activity of the major clients at NSE and BSE in the companies stocks, it was noticed that certain clients were not only common across these scrips but were also trading on both the exchanges.
Pending investigations, Sebi in August 2012 had issued interim orders restricting the eight entities along with others from the capital markets.