Upset over refusal of ticket for the Lok Sabha polls, BJP sitting MP from North West Delhi Udit Raj Tuesday said the party might have decided to drop him for protesting against the apex court's order that nullified the stringent provisions of the Dalit protection law.
The BJP has replaced Raj from the North West Lok Sabha constituency with Punjabi Sufi singer Hans Raj Hans.
Raj, who had earlier said he would contest as an independent candidate if the party did not announce his candidature, said he will decide his future course of action after consulting his supporters.
"I will not contest as an independent candidate. They (BJP) are forcing me to leave the party but I have not taken a decision on quitting. I will consult my supporters from across the country," he said.
Talking about the possible reasons why he was denied a ticket, Raj said, "When there was bandh in 2018 on SC-ST amendment, I protested, that's why the party leadership seemed to be unhappy with me. When there was no government recruitment happening, was I not supposed to raise the issue? I will continue to raise the issues of Dalits."