Expressing concern over the condition of migrant workers due to the COVID-19 lockdown, RSS general secretary Suresh Bhaiyyaji Joshi on Thursday said they need to be assured that society is with them and their needs would be taken care of.
The condition of migrant workers is quite serious and due to the lack of trust and insecurity they are trying to go back to their homes, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Sarkaryava said in a statement.
The government's announcement of the 21-day nationwide lockdown from March 25 to prevent the spread of the coronavirus sparked the exodus of hundreds of thousands of migrant labourers who undertook long journeys from major urban cities on foot to their native places.
Underlining that the migration of workers, at present, can have a serious fall out, he said, They need to feel reassured that the society is with them and their needs would be taken care of while staying wherever they are."