The film follows three moms who embark on a quest to liberate themselves from their mundane, everyday chores, accidentally landing themselves on a collision course with their children's school's PTA president and her blindly devoted clique of "perfect" moms, reported Ace Showbiz.
The comedy hails from "The Hangover" scribes Jon Lucas and Scott Moore. The duo will also direct.
"Jon Lucas and Scott Moore are masters at creating relatable characters that audiences instantly embrace, and then putting them in hilarious real-life situations for great comedic results," said Oren Aviv, STX Entertainment's president and chief content officer.
Kunis, Applegate and Bell certainly can relate to their mom roles well.
Kunis is mother of one-year-old Wyatt Isabelle from her marriage to Ashton Kutcher, Applegate has 4-year-old daughter with musician Martyn LeNoble while Bell and Dax Shepard are parents to two-year-old Lincoln Bell Shepard and one-year-old Delta Bell Shepard.