The 22-year-old star recently launched Happy Hippie Foundation to support LGBTQ and homeless youth and though she had relationships that "weren't straight", she would not like to label herself into any category.
"I'm not hiding my sexuality. For me, I don't want to label myself as anything. We love putting people in categories, but what I like sexually isn't going to label me as a person," Cyrus told Time magazine in an interview.
"It has a lot to do with being a feminist, but I'm finally OK with being alone. I think that's something we have to talk about more: that you can be alone," she says.
"There are times in my life where I've had boyfriends or girlfriends. And there are times where I just love being with myself and don't want to give part of myself away to someone else...
"I think that's a new freedom for women, especially. I don't know that my mother would have been able to be 22 and secure in being alone. But my future doesn't rely on having a partner.