"The saffron combine (BJP-Shiv Sena) has for the sixth consecutive time registered a victory in the Sambhajinagar (Aurangabad) municipal election. While this should be celebrated, the support that MIM has got in Muslim areas of the city is a matter of concern," an editorial in Sena mouthpiece 'Saamana' said today.
The All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul Muslimeen (MIM) secured 25 seats in the 113-member Aurangabad civic body, stunning the Congress, which got 10 seats, and the NCP, which managed just three seats. Other smaller parties and Independents bagged 24 seats.
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"(Asaduddin) Owaisi, who had come from Hyderabad, had spoken about replacing the saffron flag in Aurangabad with a green flag. He managed to unite the Muslim vote bank in the name of God. The party (MIM) even played a dirty game of uniting the Dalit voters along with Muslims," it alleged.
The MIM had dreamt of getting a majority in the Aurangabad municipal election, the Sena said, adding that even if they have not succeeded in doing that, a "poisonous" party like it getting 25 seats is not a good sign.
The MIM also captured Dalit votes, with five of the 13 Schedule Caste candidates it fielded winning the elections.
"If Dalits too start supporting the party that was originally made for Muslims, it will be dangerous not only for the social unity, but for the Ambedkar movement as well," the editorial said.
The ruling Shiv Sena-BJP alliance managed to bag a total of 51 seats in Aurangabad civic polls, the results of which were announced yesterday.