/ -- MINDBODY, the leading technology platform for the wellness industry, today announced the acquisition of Simplicity First, a software consulting firm based in Pune, Maharashtra, India. Simplicity First, which had been a MINDBODY partner for several years, specializes in software development, quality assurance and project management.
The acquisition adds approximately 50 personnel to MINDBODY's growing global workforce. The company expects to rapidly increase its recruitment efforts within India, targeting entry-level and senior engineers, in addition to management roles. "As part of the acquisition, we are looking to hire the best engineering talent in India," said Sunil Rajasekar, Chief Technology Officer at MINDBODY. "India has amazing tech talent and we are excited to expand our R&D footprint there. MINDBODY is a global company and having R&D resources in region will help us serve our customers better."
"MINDBODY is committed to diversity and inclusivity and our hiring practices reflect that," said Regina Wallace-Jones, Vice President of Product Operations at MINDBODY. "India has a significant pool of high-quality and diverse software engineers and MINDBODY will be placing a high priority on attracting candidates from underrepresented groups, including female software engineers, to its India workforce."