"Right way of development is the right way of environment... Leading a life with minimum carbon footprint is the answer to climate change," he said while underling the steps taken by India to meet the commitment under Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and phasedown of HFCs.
He was speaking after inaugurating the two-day conference of additional chief secretaries (Forests) and principal chief conservator of forests and chief wildlife wardens here.
"Agro-forestry, bamboo or grass can be possible alternatives to reduce this pressure...," he said, adding that there is need to change the "colonial outlook" that has existed from the pre-Independence period towards forests, tribal forest dwellers and life forms.
Dave also referred to new developments at the national level, such as passing of the CAMPA Bill, which paves the way for effective utilization of large sum of funds available under the Compensatory Afforestation Fund.
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He said that India has agreed to take a number of actions on a voluntary basis to meet the commitment under Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goals 2030, as well as the recently-concluded agreement on HFCs and also referred to the recent developments at the global as well as national level in the environment sector.
He said that India has agreed to take a number of actions
on a voluntary basis to meet the commitment under Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goals 2030, as well as the recently-concluded agreement on HFCs and also referred to the recent developments at the global as well as national level in the environment sector.
The conference will discuss important issues related to forestry and wildlife including development without destruction, peoples' participation, building skills and capacities of the workforce as well as people dependent on forests and illegal trade in wildlife and timber.
The focus will be on various issues related to wildlife conservation and management. Some of the other identified areas for discussion will include human-animal conflict, wildlife crime, illegal wildlife trade and discuss ways to address these issues effectively.
An official statement said that 2016 represents a very important milestone in the evolution of the Indian Forest Service, as it completes 50 years of its formation as an All India Service.
Later Dave tweeted "Credit for passing #CampaBill goes to right way of working and democratic traditions of Bharat.
"I congratulate every Rajya Sabha & Lok Sabha member for enabling the passing of #CampaBill in a healthy way," he tweeted.