Maharashtra Housing MinisterJitendra Awhad on Monday allegedly used cuss words against a reporter on duty, but later apologised citing "misunderstanding".According to sources, NCP chief Sharad Pawar had organised a meeting of its state ministers where Awhad had arrived with a representation of women protesting against the CAA-NRC.As journalists started asking questions, the minister reportedly got annoyed with one of them and interrupted the communication."Awhad then went away and uttered cuss words aimed at the reporter. The reporter protested over the act," the sources said.The Mumbai Press Club condemned the action of Awhad, an NCP leader.The club, in its official twitter handle @mumbaipressclub said, "TV journalists have demanded action against Maharashtra Minister Jitendra Awhad for using abusive language against their colleague Somdutta Sharma (CTV)."We denounce the unwarranted act and stand in solidarity with our TV media colleagues. @PawarSpeaks" The club also tagged NCP chief Sharad Pawar into its tweet.Subsequently, Awhad apologised with his twitter handle @Awhadspeaks saying, "I disagreed to a question asked to women who I was representing that very moment I signalled my resentment and moved away."Thereafter from my lip moments there was a misunderstanding though the reporter was standing far away from me ne ways I apologise for the incident [sic].