Welcoming his colleagues, Social Justice Minister Thaawar Chand Gehlot said social, economical, educational empowerment of Scheduled Castes, OBCs and disabled is the priority of his Ministry and schemes to provide welfare and upliftment opportunities will get additional focus with the joining of the Ministers.
Interacting with the media, Sampla said he himself had a very humble beginning as a low paid worker, hence he was aware of the problems and difficulties of the disadvantage section of the society, especially Dalits.
Thanking Prime Minister for putting his faith in him, Sampla said he would be a small part of long journey undertaken by Narendra Modi for overall development of the country.
Krishan Pal said welfare of the old people, disabled and scheduled castes will be his priority and he feels obliged being a member of the team working to fulfill this agenda.
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Both the Ministers were greeted by senior officials of the ministry led by Secretary Sudhir Bhargava, and Secretary, Department of Disability Stuti Kakkar on their arrival.
Ministry Secretary L C Goyal and Special Secretary S M Vijayanand welcomed him at his chamber.
Newly appointed Minister for Rural Development Birender Singh will take charge tomorrow, ministry officials said.