The minor, a native of Pratapgarh village, alleged that she was abducted 25 days ago from Banswada city while she was on her way to her grandparents' place by Manju Meena, who held her hostage in a house at KhetaKheda village in Madhya Pradesh for 5-6 days.
"She then sold her to Dharamraj Bairwa (25), a labourer from Sarola village in Kota, for Rs 1.25 lakh, Amar Singh Rathore, Circle In charge (CI)," Udhyognagar police station.
"The girl managed to escape on Tuesday from a house at Amratdham colony in Kota where Bairwa had held her hostage and raped her repeatedly," he said, adding, she approached the Udhyognagar police station, which handed her to Child Line members and produced her before the Child Welfare Committee (CWC).
She was initially treated as a destitute but was produced before the CWC on the same day, where she narrated her ordeal to CWC and Child Line members, during a counselling conducted in two phases, Singh said.
While Bairwa was arrested last night, police teams have been sent to Madhya Pradesh to nab Meena, the CI said, adding, the girl was sent for medical examination this morning.