The victim, a resident of Boja village, lodged a complaint with the police alleging that one Manu, a friend of her foster brother Davindra Singh, raped her during Davindra's marriage, after which she got pregnant, they said.
According to the police, on learning about the pregnancy, girl foster brothers Davindra and Jugraj, and their friend Ravindra Singh allegedly raped her.
Lakhwinder Singh, her foster father, and maternal aunt Rinki allegedly got the abortion done by an unknown doctor after learning about the rape, they said.
The girl was taken to Civil hospital here for medical examination, they said.
An FIR has been registered under relevant sections of the IPC and Protection of Children from Sexual offences act 2013 (POCSO) for rape against Manu, Davindra, Jugraj and Ravindra, and for forced abortion against Lakhwinder and Rinki, they said.
All the six accused are absconding, they added.