Marking Bollywood debut of Anil Kapoor's son Harshvardhan and actress Saiyami Kher, the movie is inspired by the story of the star-crossed lovers Mirza-Sahiban, a popular folklore from Punjab.
The film set in Rajasthan has been shot by cinematographer Pawel Dyllus.
The story revolves around Munish and Suchi, who are confidants since childhood, but an untoward incident separates them. Years later, their paths cross.But this time around Suchitra is on the verge of getting married.
The musical, which has a melodious score by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy with additional tracks by Daler Mehndi, unfolds languidly in a Broadway-style format.
After the premiere, Rohit Khattar, Chairman, Cinestaan Film Company, one of the producers of the film hosted a Celebration Party at Chor Bizarre, which was attended by actor Anil Kapoor, his actress daughter Sonam, Harshvardhan, Saiyam and a host of dignitaries.