Confirming the incident, Muzaffarpur Senior Superintendent of Police Ranjit Kumar Mishra said the injured person has been identified as one Jugnu. He has criminal antecedents, and is an accused in cases of murder, kidnapping, and loot.
The attack happened when Jugnu was to be produced in the court of Rashmi Singh, a first class judicial magistrate. He was standing with a posse of policemen near the record room of the court, when three people came and fired at him.
Jugnu, who was hit by three bullets, has been admitted to Sri Krishna Medical College and Hospital (SKMCH) here.
The attack also led to court officials running helter-skelter, and the work suffered for a couple of hours. The number of people present there was less as the advocates are abstaining from work as part of their countrywide day-long agitation.