Talking to media persons, Lalmalsawma said that the move was initiated by the Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Eastern Air Command. He wrote to the state Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla on June 24 asking for leasing the Lengpui Airport to the IAF for 45 years.
As per the proposal of the IAF authorities, the Air Force would look after the entire operational area of the airport while the state government would continue to manage the Terminal building and the apron.
The strategic location of Mizoram, sandwiched between Bangladesh and Myanmar and sharing 722 kilometre-long international border with the two countries, has prompted the IAF to ask for using the Lengpui Airport.
The IAF also has been proposing to set up Defense Radar System in southern Mizoram.
Meanwhile, the Opposition parties in the state have been strongly objecting to the handing over of the lone airport to the IAF.