The benchmark BSE Sensex today spurted by 364 points or 1.50 per cent to end at 24,606.99. In three sessions, the index has risen 1,604.99 points -- its best three-day gain since September 2013.
The market capitalisation (m-cap) of BSE-listed companies soared by Rs 5,32,520 crore to Rs 91,15,665 crore in the three-day rally.
"Markets rose for the third successive day post budget. The net buying from FIIs also improved sentiments," said Dipen Shah, Senior Vice-President & Head of Private Client Group Research, Kotak Securities.
From the 30-Sensex constituents, 26 stocks ended higher led Tata Steel, Tata Motors and BHEL.
ICICI Bank, ITC, NTPC and Maruti Suzuki were the four stocks to end with losses.
BSE capital jumped the most (up 4.12 per cent) followed by metal (4.05 per cent), auto (2.08 per cent), infrastructure (1.97 per cent), healthcare (1.69 per cent) and oil and gas (1.54 per cent).