The video was shot with a mobile phone during a recent meeting of Pahadi panchayat samiti in Bharatpur district where the MLA told those involved in mining that he had "talked" to the chief minister (Vasundhara Raje) on this issue and they should carry on with their work without any problem, a Panchayat samiti official said on the condition of anonymity.
"You do your work peacefully... Mining or whatever. What is legal what is illegal only god knows it," Singh said.
Singh also said, "He got a campaign (against illegal mining and transportation) stopped and (it) will not resume."
"No RTO, no mining engineer, no SDM will come here. You do you work," he said, in the video.
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The MLA could not be contacted for comments.
Meanwhile, Congress has attacked the state government over the issue.
"This is highly condemnable. The MLA is promoting illegal mining and transportation and action against him must be taken," PCC Vice President Archana Sharma said.